
Cooling red-hot steel with warm water

Ph.D. student Camila Gomez mimicked the cooling process of Tata Steel's blast furnaces in the lab and found out that it's better to cool with warmer water.

When did humans first go to war?

When modern humans arrived in Europe around 40,000 years ago, they made a discovery that was to change the course of history.

Peering under the hood of SARS-CoV-2

Information from electron microscope images and protein databases has been used to develop a detailed 3D model of SARS-CoV-2, which can be readily updated as new data becomes available. The modeling tool has potential for ...

NOvA turns its eyes to the skies

The NOvA experiment, best known for its measurements of neutrino oscillations using particle beams from Fermilab accelerators, has been turning its eyes to the skies, examining phenomena ranging from supernovae to magnetic ...

Faster diagnostics thanks to nanopore sequencing

To ensure that sepsis patients receive appropriate antibiotics as quickly as possible, Fraunhofer IGB researchers have developed a diagnostic procedure that uses high-throughput sequencing of blood samples and delivers results ...

Partial autonomy—how species separate, but not entirely

The prevailing theory until now suggests that regular gene flow through successful pairings between populations is the main barrier to their segregation into species. In recent years, however, theoretical and empirical work ...

Coating plastics with porous nanofilm

Pore size in porous materials affects the property of the material. For example, small pores create more absorbent surface areas. Silica gel, which is often used in food packaging to soak up moisture, is one typical example.

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