
Ion qubits offer early glimpse of quantum error detection

Computers based on quantum physics promise to solve certain problems much faster than their conventional counterparts. By utilizing qubits—which can have more than just the two values of ordinary bits—quantum computers ...

Electronics and optics on one chip

Electronics and light don't go well together on a standard "CMOS' chip. Researcher Satadal Dutta of the University of Twente now succeeds in introducing a light connection into the heart of a semiconductor chip. In this way, ...

Researcher studies birds that break all the mating rules

What can the mating behavior of birds tell us about evolution, climate change and species survival? For Peter Dunn, UWM distinguished professor of biological sciences, bird-watching offers clues to overarching ecological ...

Geologists uncover Antarctica's fossil forests

During Antarctica's summer, from late November through January, UW-Milwaukee geologists Erik Gulbranson and John Isbell climbed the McIntyre Promontory's frozen slopes in the Transantarctic Mountains. High above the ice fields, ...

Higher biodiversity due to river-expanding measures

Lower flood risk and the start of biodiversity recovery - those two things can go together quite well. Multiple groups of endangered and protected species are returning to river areas in the Netherlands, reveal researchers ...

Genes don't always dictate that 'boys will be boys'

As an evolutionary biologist focusing on animal behaviour, I'm sometimes asked what relevance our research has for human behaviour. Years ago, I would duck the question because it was such a passionately polarising, political ...

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