
What can be discovered at the junction of physics and chemistry?

Tomsk State University scientist Rashid Valiev and colleagues from the universities of Helsinki and Oslo have discovered a new category of rare molecules whose properties can be controlled by changing the induction of an ...

Researchers report reversal of current flow in a quantum system

In a classical thermodynamic system, heat current flows from the hotter body to the colder one, or electricity from the higher voltage to the lower one. The same thing happens in quantum systems, but this state can be changed, ...

Black rhino to return to Chad after South Africa deal

South Africa and Chad on Sunday signed an agreement that will see the re-introduction next year of critically endangered black rhino to the central African country, decades after it was last seen there.

Japan scientists grow drugs in chicken eggs

Japanese researchers have genetically engineered hens whose eggs contain drugs that can fight serious diseases including cancer, in a bid to dramatically reduce the cost of treatment, a report said Monday.

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