
Making fuel for exploring space

Since its 1977 launch, NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has travelled farther than any other piece of human technology. It is also the only human-made object to have entered interstellar space.

Core repository provides unique geologic record

Sediment coring the bottom of the world's oceans is something that Lamont knows a lot about. Since 1947 Lamont has been actively collecting and archiving sediment from around the world. Currently our Core Repository contains ...

Bioclimatologist on drought, climate and 'cracking the code'

Park Williams, 34, and a California native, is a bioclimatologist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. He is lead author on a recently published paper linking the California drought to global warming. ...

First bag of chips from fully automatic chip machine

Dutch start-up Caenator, in collaboration with StartLife and Wageningen University & Research Centre, presented a new generation of fully automatic chip vending machines. On 2 September, in the Restaurant of the Future on ...

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