
Dissecting the anatomy of a 'superheroic' science class

What do superheroes Deadpool and Elastigirl have in common? Each was used in a college anatomy class to add relevance to course discussions—Deadpool to illustrate tissue repair, and Elastigirl, aka Mrs. Incredible, as an ...

Few in U.S. recognize inequities of climate change

Despite broad scientific consensus that climate change has more serious consequences for some groups—particularly those already socially or economically disadvantaged—a large swath of people in the U.S. doesn't see it ...

Research team makes surprising discovery of low-noise genes

While engaging in cell division research, Silke Hauf and members of her lab made a surprisingly quiet discovery. When cells express RNA, there is always some fluctuation, or noise, in how much RNA is produced. Hauf's group ...

Points system makes neighborhoods nicer to live in

A lot of municipalities work with a points system to encourage construction projects to take biodiversity and creating green areas into account. But this way of working also benefits local neighborhoods and residents, master's ...

Tropical forest nations seek climate plan in Brazil

Nations from Brazil to Indonesia met Wednesday to seek a plan to save the world's tropical rainforests, a day after South American leaders drew criticism for failing to adopt a pledge to protect the Amazon.

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