
Simply scrapping the SAT won't make colleges more diverse

When the University of California decided in early 2020 to stop using the ACT and SAT in admissions by 2025, the decision sparked discussions anew about how fair and useful college entrance exams are in the first place.

A view on climate change from the treetops of Western Africa

The tropical forest canopy is one of the Earth's underexplored frontiers. To understand how these unique environments respond to climate change a team from the Ecosystems Lab at the University of Oxford and partner institutes ...

Study suggests less costly approach to pandemic economic stimulus

In late March, as the COVID-19 coronavirus began spreading swiftly throughout the United States, Congress passed a $2 trillion economic stimulus measure that included one-time direct payments to taxpayers, relief for small ...

CERN: The first accelerators are back in action

The CERN Control Centre is back in shift work mode, with walls of screens showing the status of the beams, and coffee flowing freely day and night. On Friday, 3 July, the Long Shutdown 2 accelerator coordination team handed ...

New report calls for ambitious pesticide reduction target

A new report published by The Wildlife Trusts and authored by a University of Sussex Professor sets out examples of how we can halt insect decline, while asking people, in every part of society, to become 'insect champions'.

CERN: physicists report the discovery of unique new particle

The LHCb collaboration at CERN has announced the discovery of a new exotic particle: a so-called "tetraquark". The paper by more than 800 authors is yet to be evaluated by other scientists in a process called "peer review", ...

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