
A cleaner, faster battery

A team of Stanford and Canadian Light Source researchers have developed an ultrafast rechargeable battery from non-toxic materials.

Sounds of northern lights are born close to ground

For the first time, researchers at Aalto University in Finland have located where the sounds associated with the northern lights are created. The auroral sounds that have been described in folktales and by wilderness wanderers ...

Tech revolution ends up in the toilet

It's one of the most critical pieces of technology in your home. And though most consumers don't think of their humble toilet as a tech product, researchers and engineers at global companies are racing to improve designs ...

Flying along the Vela ridge

(Phys.org) -- A beautiful blue butterfly flutters towards a nest of warm dust and gas, above an intricate network of cool filaments in this image of the Vela C region by ESA’s Herschel space observatory.

Europe clears the air

Satellite measurements show that nitrogen dioxide in the lower atmosphere over parts of Europe and the US has fallen over the past decade. More than 15 years of atmospheric observations have revealed trends in air quality.

Entanglement study makes a quantum leap

Some scientists have likened it to voodoo, while Albert Einstein called it just plain "spooky." In the bizarre realm of quantum mechanics, entanglement is the phenomenon in which two seemingly distinct particles control each ...

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