
Nearby 'dwarf' galaxy is home to luminous star cluster

A team of Tel Aviv University and UCLA astronomers have discovered a remarkable cluster of more than a million young stars are forming in a hot, dusty cloud of molecular gases in a tiny galaxy very near our own.

Energy efficiency and the future of long-distance flight

Andre Borschberg and Bertrand Piccard have suffered set-backs in their quest to circumnavigate the earth in an experimental solar-powered aircraft. The Swiss nationals are flying Solar Impulse 2, whose large fixed wing is ...

Scientists anxious about the future of research funding

With the Comprehensive Spending Review looming in the autumn, it is hard to know exactly how researchers will fare over the next five years. But given that there was no protection for the science budget in the Tories' manifesto, ...

Denied under Nazis, 102-year-old Jewish woman gets doctorate

Ingeborg Syllm-Rapoport wasn't allowed to defend her doctoral thesis in 1938 under the Nazis because she was part-Jewish. Nearly eight decades later, she became Germany's oldest recipient of a doctorate at age 102 on Tuesday.

Ultrasensitive magnetoplasmonic sensors

Systems allowing label-free molecular-level detection are expected to have enormous impact on biochemical sciences. Research focuses on materials and technologies based on exploiting the coupling of light with electronic ...

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