
How climate change will affect malaria transmission

A new model for predicting the effects of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa could lead to more targeted interventions to control the disease according to a new study.

Topological phonons: Where vibrations find their twist

An international team of researchers has discovered that the quantum particles responsible for the vibrations of materials—which influence their stability and various other properties—can be classified through topology.

Hot compression bonding helps achieve seamless CLAM steel joint

China low activation martensitic (CLAM) steel, as a typical reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, is the main candidate structural material for fusion reactors due to its low activation, high mechanical properties, ...

Looking for life on Enceladus: What questions should we ask?

Does life exist beyond Earth? One of the most compelling places to consider this possibility is Enceladus, a moon of Saturn with a liquid water ocean encased in a frozen shell. There, plumes of water spray from ice fractures ...

NASA images help explain eating habits of massive black hole

In images from NASA's retired Spitzer Space Telescope, streams of dust thousands of light-years long flow toward the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy. It turns out these streams can help explain ...

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