
Leopard meals—females go for diversity

Leopards, top predators of the African savannah, are known to feed on a variety of prey species. These include smaller and medium-sized mammals such as impala, gemsbok, kudus and warthogs, but they also target relatively ...

When lipids meet hormones—plants' answer to complex stresses

Unlike animals, plants can't run away when things get bad. That can be the weather changing or a caterpillar starting to slowly munch on a leaf. Instead, they change themselves inside, using a complex system of expand iconhormones, ...

Voltage loss in electrically conductive bacteria

An international research group has shed new light on cable bacteria. Using laser light, researchers have followed electrons as they travel through the current-conducting bacteria, and on the basis of the electrical potential ...

Polarized light—a simple route to highly chiral materials

Researchers at the University of Tokyo used an efficient method to create chiral materials using circularly polarized light. Depending on whether left- or right-polarized, the light source induced electric fields at opposite ...

Symmetry is essential for power network synchronization

A joint research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and North Carolina State University has clarified the fundamental principles for achieving the synchronization of power generator groups in power networks, ...

Exiled asteroid discovered in outer reaches of solar system

An international team of astronomers has used ESO telescopes to investigate a relic of the primordial Solar System. The team found that the unusual Kuiper Belt Object 2004 EW95 is a carbon-rich asteroid, the first of its ...

Walmart buys 77% of India's Flipkart for $16 bn

US retail behemoth Walmart said Wednesday it will buy a 77 percent stake in Indian online sales giant Flipkart for $16 billion in the world's biggest e-commerce deal.

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