
Seeing the forest for the shrubs in southern Appalachia

As ecosystems respond to human activity, what species will emerge as new trailblazers, shaping the diversity and resilience of these changing environments? And how can land managers identify these species early on to better ...

Model may help Chincoteague ponies avoid deadly infection

Researchers from North Carolina State University have created a model that can identify potential hot spots for the pathogen Pythium insidiosum in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, home to the wild Chincoteague ponies.

Bacterial film separates water from oil

Researchers have demonstrated that a slimy, yet tough, type of biofilm that certain bacteria make for protection and to help them move around can also be used to separate water and oil. The material may be useful for applications ...

New brain sensor offers answers about Alzheimer's

Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have developed a tool to monitor communications within the brain in a way never before possible, and it has already offered an explanation for why Alzheimer's drugs ...

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