
Aluminium threat to food security revealed

One third of the world's food-producing land has been lost in the past 40 years as a result of soil degradation, putting global food security at risk.

Electron spins controlled using sound waves

The ability to control the intrinsic angular momentum of individual electrons – their "spins" – could lead to a world of new technologies that involve storing and processing information.

Preemptive design saving cities

Miho Mazereeuw is the founder of the Urban Risk Lab. She designs buildings and cities in anticipation of disasters. "Working in a field that has traditionally been the domain of emergency managers and engineers, we bring ...

Techniques to prove or disprove existence of other planets

Astronomers long have sought to find planets that can sustain life as humans know it. Four years ago, they thought they had one, possibly even two, pointing to signs that suggested that at least one rocky planet located in ...

Science nabs illegal ivory sellers

A Toronto-based company has been convicted of selling illegal ivory in the first case to use a technique for dating ivory developed by a scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in collaboration with other colleagues.

Light that adapts to your needs through the eye of a camera

EPFL researchers have developed a camera that sees like the human eye, providing clues about the sensation of visual comfort. The instrument could optimize natural and artificial lighting to constantly adapt to the needs ...

The global gender gap persists, says report

On March 9, the United Nations will convene to evaluate the global community's progress on gender equality in the 20 years since 189 countries adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The U.N. session will ...

Nanodust particles in the interplanetary medium

Dust particles smaller than about a wavelength of light are abundant in our solar system, created by collisions between asteroids and from the evaporation of comets. As they scatter sunlight, these particles produce the zodiacal ...

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