
Super-Earth atmospheres probed at Sandia's Z machine

The huge forces generated by the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories are being used to replicate the gravitational pressures on so-called "super-Earths" to determine which might maintain atmospheres that could support ...

Sentinel-6 passes in-orbit tests with flying colors

In November 2020, the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite was launched into orbit from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, US. Now, months later, the satellite has successfully passed what is known as ...

Deep-sea vision linked to night life on the reef

To see—and survive—at night, some coral fish have developed visual adaptations that are similar to those of their cousins living in the ocean's darkest depths, new research shows.

Chromatin remodelers never rest to keep our genome open

Chromatin remodelers are needed to take nucleosomes away from DNA in order to make room for transcription factors to bind, and regulate the activity of our genes. It has been unclear how dynamic this process is. Researchers ...

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