
Crowdsourcing used in Genghis Khan tomb search

Researchers from the University of California San Diego have written "Crowdsourcing the Unknown: The Satellite Search for Genghis Khan," published last month on PLOS ONE, the peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. ...

Coming to a car near you: Auto technology at CES

Self-driving cars garner much of the attention, but in reality, we're years away from tooling around in something like Knight Rider's KITT. Coming sooner to a car near you: smartphone apps on dash displays, cruise control ...

Chinese H-bomb physicist gets top award

A Chinese nuclear physicist whose research was key to the country's development of the hydrogen bomb and whose identity was a state secret for decades was awarded its top science prize Friday, state media reported.

India's Infosys net profit climbs 13%, shares gain

Indian software giant Infosys announced Friday a better-than-expected 13 percent jump in third-quarter net profit, helped by strong demand for services in the United States.

Sea Shepherd in epic chase of Antarctic 'poaching' ship

Environmental activist group Sea Shepherd said Friday it has been chasing a "poaching" ship for three weeks amid heavy ice flows in an attempt to stop the crew from illegal fishing in the Southern Ocean.

Reaching across the sea for the sake of water

The Arava desert, a salty wasteland dotted with tufts of scrub, gets only about an inch of rain each year. And yet cows lazily low at dairy farms that collectively produce nearly 8 million gallons of milk annually. Orange ...

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