
Bird singing contests: A clash of culture and conservation

For thousands  of years, people have been keeping wild birds. It is often a deeply ingrained part of the culture. One of the more recent trends to emerge from this practice is the singing contest which pits male birds against ...

Physical features boost the efficiency of quantum simulations

Recent theoretical breakthroughs have settled two long-standing questions about the viability of simulating quantum systems on future quantum computers, overcoming challenges from complexity analyses to enable more advanced ...

Nature or nurture: How does an animal get its microbiome?

We know that sharks are voracious eaters, but what do we know about the source of its microbiome? To date, not much. But a recent study from the University of Chicago and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) fills a gap ...

Meet the new climate refugee in town: Coyotes

Amid the sylvan tranquility of the Berkeley hills neighborhood, an image of a snarling predator, fangs bared, stares down at passers-by from atop a pole planted in the yard of a sprawling Tudor-style home. "Danger! "Coyotes!" ...

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