
DNA has gone digital – what could possibly go wrong?

Biology is becoming increasingly digitized. Researchers like us use computers to analyze DNA, operate lab equipment and store genetic information. But new capabilities also mean new risks – and biologists remain largely ...

Insights on fast cockroaches can help teach robots to walk

Using the example of cockroaches, the Cologne-based zoologist Dr Tom Weihmann and his team were able to show that quickly running insects change their gait at mid-speed. This behaviour has previously only been observed in ...

Mars atmosphere well protected from the solar wind

Despite the absence of a global Earth-like magnetic dipole, the Martian atmosphere is well protected from the effects of the solar wind on ion escape from the planet. New research shows this using measurements from the Swedish ...

What keeps women from reporting sexual harassment?

New accounts of sexual harassment by powerful men appear almost daily. So why now and not sooner? One reason might be the "miniature legal systems" set up in business, government and other institutions to handle such complaints, ...

Sustainable yam systems in West Africa

Yams are tuber crops and an essential staple food in West Africa. But the traditional cropping systems are unproductive and degrade soil. The YAMSYS project seeks to change this in cooperation with local actors working along ...

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