
40,000 waves improve sand transport models

Over the past few years, University of Twente Ph.D. student Joep van der Zanden has created perfectly identical waves – 40,000 times – in a large 'wave flume' (channel) in Barcelona. Using advanced measurements, he investigated ...

Scientists make silver nanowires based on DNA molecules

A team of researchers from Russia and Israel, including scientists from MIPT, has made nanowires from DNA molecules and silver nanoparticles. The research findings were published in Advanced Materials and are featured on ...

Scientists examine bacterium found 1,000 feet underground

Pioneering work being carried out in a cave in New Mexico by researchers at McMaster University and The University of Akron, Ohio, is changing the understanding of how antibiotic resistance may have emerged and how doctors ...

Oxygen can wake up dormant bacteria for antibiotic attacks

Bacterial resistance does not come just through adaptation to antibiotics, sometimes the bacteria simply go to sleep. An international team of researchers is looking at compounds that attack bacteria's ability to go dormant ...

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