
New technique allows low-cost creation of 3-D nanostructures

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new lithography technique that uses nanoscale spheres to create three-dimensional (3-D) structures with biomedical, electronic and photonic applications. The ...

Study finds early warning signals of abrupt climate change

A new study by researchers at the University of Exeter has found early warning signals of a reorganisation of the Atlantic oceans' circulation which could have a profound impact on the global climate system.

Fuel to the fire? Fuel exports soar under Obama

Solar panels glisten from every thatched hut on this crowded island, one of the largest in this remote chain off the Panamanian coast. But the tiny emblems of green energy offer no hope against climate change.

Mobile apps still collect information on kids (Update)

Worried that toy stores, fast food chains, and other retailers are tracking your kids online this holiday season? A landmark 2013 law aimed at protecting the privacy of America's youngest mobile consumers hasn't stopped app ...

China farmers washed away as Beijing taps water from south

Before their villages were submerged beneath a gargantuan scheme to move water hundreds of kilometres to China's arid north, government officials promised farmers better lives far from their ancestral homes.

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