
Scientists unveil the functional landscape of essential genes

A team of scientists at Whitehead Institute and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have systematically evaluated the functions of more than 5,000 essential human genes using a novel, pooled, imaged-based screening method. ...

New quantum phase discovered for developing hybrid materials

If you have ever watched water freeze to ice, you have witnessed what physicists call a "phase transition." Osaka Metropolitan University scientists have discovered an unprecedented phase transition during which crystals ...

Summer camps promote altruism in children, study finds

Be able to control oneself, cooperate or help others: having socio-emotional abilities is essential for those who wish to interact positively with their peers. These skills are largely acquired during childhood and can be ...

Cities under strain: India's predicted urban boom

India is projected to see an explosion in its urban population in the coming decades, but its cities already cannot cope and climate change will make living conditions harsher still.

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