
Ecuador volcano spews giant ash column

Ecuador's Cotopaxi volcano, which began erupting in August after being dormant for 138 years, on Thursday coughed up a two-kilometer-high column of ash, officials said.

University of Houston spin-off company hits commercial milestone

A company formed to commercialize graphene research conducted at the University of Houston's Center for Advanced Materials has been listed on the Chinese stock exchange, an important step in the company's capitalization and ...

Ancient genome from Africa sequenced for the first time

The first ancient human genome from Africa to be sequenced has revealed that a wave of migration back into Africa from Western Eurasia around 3,000 years ago was up to twice as significant as previously thought, and affected ...

Evidence for functional redundancy in nature

One of biology's long-standing puzzles is how so many similar species can co-exist in nature. Do they really all fulfill a different role? Massive data on beetles now provide strong evidence for the idea that evolution can ...

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