
Boosting the recovery of rare earth elements

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the Ural Federal University will start a joint research project for boosting the recovery of rare earth elements. The exceptional magnetic and optical properties of earth metals ...

Creating low-cost solar energy

Work by PhD student Alex Barker, under the supervision of Dr Justin Hodgkiss, a senior lecturer in the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, is helping to improve the efficiency of next generation solar cells made from ...

Fingerprints of life on Mars

NASA's Astrobiology Institute (NAI) announced that the SETI Institute has been selected as a new member of the NAI for a 5-year research program, "Changing Planetary Environments and the Fingerprints of Life." Led by planetary ...

Better prediction of mine and other collapse

University of Adelaide engineering researchers are investigating ways to better predict the possible collapse of mines, dam embankments and large infrastructure sites.

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