
Stem cell model for early human embryo development

The creation of cellular structures similar to blastocysts has enabled KAUST scientists to build an in vitro model that mimics the earliest moments of human embryogenesis.

Double-lined white dwarf binary detected by astronomers

An international team of astronomers has detected a new peculiar binary as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The newly found object, designated SDSS J133725.26+395237.7, is a nearby double-lined system consisting ...

New platform speeds up effort to turn crops into fuel

Princeton researchers have developed a new way to make fuel from cellulose—Earth's most abundant organic compound, found in all plant cells—speeding up a notoriously slow chemical process and in some cases doubling energy ...

Biomechanics of the kick-start motion in competitive swimming

Researchers from the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Tsukuba have analyzed the "kick-start" technique used by swimmers when beginning a race. On the basis of force and velocity measurements, the ...

Understanding aurora formation with ESA's cluster mission

Earth's aurorae form when charged particles from the magnetosphere strike molecules in the atmosphere, energizing or even ionizing them. As the molecules relax to the ground state, they emit a photon of visible light in a ...

Rocket flight to sharpen NASA's study of the sun

It's best not to look directly at the sun unless you're one of NASA's sun-observing instruments. And even then, doing so will cause some damage. Exposure to the sun degrades light sensors of all kinds, from the retinas in ...

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