
Rainbow comet with a heart of sponge

A permeable heart with a hardened facade—the resting place of Rosetta's lander on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is revealing more about the interior of the "rubber duck" shaped-body looping around the Sun.

Heavy metals make soil enzymes 3 times weaker

Heavy metals suppress enzyme activity in the soil by three to 3.5 times and have especially prominent effect on the enzymes that support carbon and sulfur circulation, according to a soil scientist from RUDN, together with ...

METISSE offers new insights into the lives of massive stars

Massive stars are those larger than about 10 times the mass of the sun and are born far less often than their low-mass counterparts. However, they contribute the most to the evolution of star clusters and galaxies. Massive ...

In EU, 1 in 8 deaths linked to pollution: report

In the EU, 13 percent of deaths are linked to pollution, said a new report published on Tuesday by the European Environment Agency (EEA), which stressed the current pandemic put environmental health factors in the spotlight.

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