
What would it be like to fall into a black hole?

Let's say you decided to ignore some of my previous advice. You've just purchased yourself a space dragon from the Market on the Centauri Ringworld, strapped on your favorite chainmail codpiece and sonic sword and now you're ...

Big data tamed with the cloud

Big data: it's the hot topic these days, promising breakthroughs in just about every field, from medicine to marketing to machine learning and more. But for many of us, the problems of managing big data hit home when we confront ...

Image: Rosetta comet observed with Very Large Telescope

(Phys.org) —Since early August 2014, Rosetta has been enjoying a close-up view of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Meanwhile, astronomers on Earth have been busy following the comet with ground-based telescopes. As Rosetta ...

Climate change and European forests

A recent study in the Journal of Environmental Management carried out by researchers at the European Forest Institute and their partners in the FP7 funded MOTIVE project (Models for Adaptive Forest Management) discusses how ...

Looking at the future through graphene goggles

Graphene – an atom-thick sheet of carbon – has been touted as a new wonder material: it is stronger than steel and conducts electricity better than copper.

From water to land and back, the mosquitofish is on a roll

Some fish will leap out of water to escape a predator, but the dramatic exit doesn't do much good without an effective technique for returning. The mosquitofish, it turns out, not only finds its way back—it chooses the ...

Phosphorus a promising semiconductor

(Phys.org) —Defects damage the ideal properties of many two-dimensional materials, like carbon-based graphene. Phosphorus just shrugs.

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