
Whale sex: It's all in the hips

(Phys.org) —Both whales and dolphins have pelvic (hip) bones, evolutionary remnants from when their ancestors walked on land more than 40 million years ago. Common wisdom has long held that those bones are simply vestigial, ...

New parasitoid wasp species found in China

For the first time, wasps in the genus Spasskia (family: Braconidae) have been found in China, according to an article in the open-access Journal of Insect Science. In addition, a species in that genus which is totally new ...

First-ever look inside a working lithium-ion battery (w/ Video)

For the first time, researchers have been able to open a kind of window into the inner workings of a lithium-ion battery. Using a neutron beam, chemists and engineers at The Ohio State University were able to track the flow ...

Enigmatic Viking fortress discovered in Denmark

It is the first time for over 60 years that a new Viking fortress is found in Denmark, says curator Nanna Holm of The Danish Castle Centre. Søren Sindbæk, professor of medieval archeology at Aarhus University, explains: ...

3Qs: Password and cloud security

The recent news that hackers accessed celebrities' cloud accounts and released their intimate photos online has prompted many to question the security of sensitive data stored on people's own smartphones and in the cloud. ...

'Pick 'n' Mix' chemistry to grow cultures of bioactive molecules

Chemists at ETH-Zürich and ITbM, Nagoya University have developed a new method to build large libraries of bioactive molecules – which can be used directly for biological assays – by simply mixing a small number of building ...

A low-energy optical circuit for a new era of technology

Optical circuits use light instead of electricity, making them faster and more energy-efficient than electrical systems. Scientists at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne have developed a first building-block for photonic ...

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