
A nearby galactic exemplar

ESO has released a spectacular new image of NGC 300, a spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way, and located in the nearby Sculptor Group of galaxies. Taken with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in ...

Study examines turbine effects on Yukon River fish

A University of Alaska Fairbanks fisheries scientist has teamed up with Alaska Power and Telephone to study how a new power-generating turbine affects fish in the Yukon River.

Samsung launches Galaxy S smartphone in China

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Wednesday it has launched its Galaxy S smartphone in China to catch up with global leader Nokia in the world's biggest market.

Galileo revisited: How ribbons roll

Galileo Galilei’s experiments on the motions of falling and rolling objects, described in his 1638 book, “Two New Sciences,” are considered by many to be the beginning of modern science. Now researchers at MIT have ...

The dance of hot nanoparticles

(PhysOrg.com) -- "Brownian motion is a very old concept," Klaus Kroy tells PhysOrg.com. "The laws explaining it were formulated more than a century ago by Albert Einstein. However, we are finding some interesting divergences ...

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