
Commercial satellite race raises calls for more regulations

Rapidly evolving technology and space debris reported in several places around the world—including pieces of a Chinese Long March 5B Rocket in the Indian Ocean—signal the need for a new era for regulation of space, Flinders ...

Building better gas-phase biosensors for fight against diseases

Scientists from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) introduce an easy method for manufacturing biosensors made from electrospun polymers. By embedding enzymes inside the polymer string, the enzymes were operational ...

Figuring out how wild wheat protects itself from insects

Wheat is a staple crop that provides 20% of the world population's caloric and human protein intake. Although wheat is essential for human and livestock diets, these plants are continuously preyed upon by insect herbivores ...

Robotic motion in curved space defies standard laws of physics

When humans, animals, and machines move throughout the world, they always push against something, whether it's the ground, air, or water. Until recently, physicists believed this to be a constant, following the law of conservation ...

After 'historic' US climate bill, scientists urge global action

Scientists on Monday welcomed the passing of US President Joe Biden's "historic" climate bill while calling for other major emitters—namely the European Union—to follow suit and implement ambitious plans to slash emissions.

How calcium ions get into the cellular power stations of plants

Calcium is a very special nutrient. In the cells of most living beings calcium ions function as so-called second messengers to transmit important signals. The same applies equally to animal, plant and fungal cells. Through ...

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