
Perseid Earthgrazers

Blame it on the Moon: The 2006 Perseid meteor shower is going to be a dud. Oh, Earth will pass through the Perseid meteoroid stream, as usual. And meteors will flit across the sky. But when the shower peaks on Saturday morning, ...

Researchers find controls to gold nanocatalysis

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have made a discovery that could allow scientists to exercise more control over the catalytic activity of gold nanoclusters.

Dominant meerkats render rivals infertile

When pregnant, dominant female meerkats subject their subordinates to escalating aggression and temporary eviction causing them to become overly stressed and as a result infertile, a new study finds.

Driverless transport in big cities

While traffic problems in major cities have been familiar for a long time, the measures needed to deal with them have still to be put into effect. However, in its 6th Framework Programme, the EU is beating the big drum and ...

Study Could Lead to Tomato Plants with Stronger Defenses

Few things say summer like a home-grown tomato. But getting that red, juicy tomato challenges home gardeners and farmers alike, all of whom battle insects and diseases from the moment that young plants spring from the ground ...

University of Alberta program wins computer poker championship

The World Series of Poker wraps up later this week in Las Vegas, but a team of researchers from the University of Alberta has already won the de facto world poker championship for computers at the American Association of ...

Proba-3: ESA’s first step towards formation flying

Proba-3 is the third in ESA’s series of missions for validating developments in space systems while carrying an ‘added value’ user payload which can directly benefit from the innovations under test. Proba-3 will demonstrate ...

Chandra independently determines Hubble constant

A critically important number that specifies the expansion rate of the Universe, the so-called Hubble constant, has been independently determined using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. This new value matches recent measurements ...

Deep-sea sediments could safely store man-made carbon dioxide

Deep-sea sediments could provide a virtually unlimited and permanent reservoir for carbon dioxide, the gas that has been a primary driver of global climate change in recent decades, according to a team of scientists that ...

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