
Nanoparticle 'backpacks' restore damaged stem cells

Within a newborn's umbilical cord lie potentially life-saving stem cells that can be used to fight diseases like lymphoma and leukemia. That is why many new parents elect to store ("bank") their infant's stem cell-rich umbilical ...

New insights into the Earth's formation

Although the Earth has long been studied in detail, some fundamental questions still have to be answered. One of them concerns the formation of our planet, about whose beginnings researchers are still unclear. An international ...

NASA mirrors on ESA pathfinder to enhance lunar navigation

NASA will supply the upcoming European Space Agency (ESA) Lunar Pathfinder satellite with an array of laser retroreflectors, mirrored devices that reflect light back at its source. The retroreflectors will validate navigation ...

Web archive with astronomical photographic plates goes online

Lots of little dots with no apparent pattern: Where laypeople may just see milky gray photos sprinkled with what look like random crumbs, it is enough to make astronomers' hearts miss a beat. We are talking about historical ...

Artificial intelligence folds RNA molecules

For the function of many biomolecules, their three-dimensional structure is crucial. Researchers are therefore not only interested in the sequence of the individual building blocks of biomolecules, but also in their spatial ...

Scientists shed light on the emergence of pathogenic bacteria

Pathogenic bacteria are highly specialized micro-organisms that are a leading cause of human, livestock and crop disease, resulting in significant health and economic loss worldwide. How these pathogens, which sometimes even ...

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