
Image: July 7, 2003, NASA's Opportunity rover launches to Mars

On July 7, 2003, NASA launched its second Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, aboard a Delta II launch vehicle. Opportunity's dash to Mars began with liftoff at 11:18:15 p.m. EDT from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

Searing sun seen in X-rays

X-rays light up the surface of our sun in a bouquet of colours in this new image containing data from NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR. The high-energy X-rays seen by NuSTAR are shown in blue, while ...

Homes with heart for Sendai

When the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit Japan and wiped out much of Sendai, the hometown of UCLA architecture and urban design chair Hitoshi Abe, he resolved to make the reconstructed city more people-friendly ...

Heliophysicist waits nearly 10 years for Pluto flyby

When NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto flies past the distant, icy world on July 14, NASA heliophysicist Nikolaos Paschalidis will be one happy man: he created a mission-enabling technology that will help uncover details ...

With one year to Jupiter, NASA's Juno team prepares

With just one year remaining in a five-year trek to Jupiter, the team of NASA's Juno mission is hard at work preparing for the spacecraft's expedition to the solar system's largest planet. The mission aims to reveal the story ...

Seeking Earth-like planets with the James Webb Space Telescope

Almost 2000 exoplanets have been discovered to date, ranging from rocky Earth-like planets to hot-Jupiters, and orbiting every type of star. But how many of these distant worlds are habitable? Today's technology means that ...

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