
New study finds elite viewpoints dominate online content

(PhysOrg.com) -- Anyone with Internet access can generate online content and influence public opinion, according to popular belief. But a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that the social Web ...

Disasters unfold 'intelligently' on phone screens

(PhysOrg.com) -- For the first time, a computer scientist has developed a method of making smart phones able to show a disaster unfolding in real-time on phone screens.

REDD+ strategies lack plan for agriculture

The majority of countries participating in a major global effort to reduce greenhouse emissions caused by forest destruction cite agriculture as the main cause of deforestation, but very few provide details on how they would ...

The same type of forest is good for both birds and people

Birds and people both enjoy urban woodlands that have been cleared to just the right degree. This is the conclusion of scientists at the University of Gothenburg who have carried out large-scale field experiments in urban ...

Mutations: When benefits level off

Beneficial mutations within a bacterial population accumulate during evolution, but performance tends to reach a plateau. Consequently, theoretical evolutionary models need to take into account a "braking effect" in expected ...

'Laughing' insects among new Philippine species

Laughing cicadas and small "cat sharks" are among scores of species believed new to science discovered by US and Filipino researchers in waters and islands of the Philippines, the team said Wednesday.

Japan's next gizmo: brainwave-controlled cat ears

A team of Japanese inventors have come with a new device that blends the country's fascination with cuteness and its penchant for experimental high-tech -- brainwave-controlled cat ears.

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