
Why is Ghana so hot this year? An expert explains

Ghana's meteorological agency and the state's health service have issued warnings about a period of very high temperatures expected in the first half of 2024 around the country. Ghana's experience is part of a global phenomenon: ...

Nukes in space: A bad idea in the 1960s, an even worse one now

The US and Japan are sponsoring a resolution for debate by the United Nations security council which—if passed—will reaffirm international commitments to the 1967 outer space treaty (OST) forbidding the deployment and ...

Research unveils biochemical defenses against chemical warfare

In the clandestine world of biochemical warfare, researchers are continuously seeking innovative strategies to counteract lethal agents. Researchers led by Jin Kim Montclare, Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular ...

Challenging the gig economy

Employee engagement among independent gig workers is an important issue facing organizations working with remote teams and individuals. A study published in the International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, ...

Scientists agree, the media is biased against wasps

Wasp scientists around the globe agree that media coverage of wasps skews negative and almost entirely overlooks their beneficial attributes, reports a team led by UCL researchers.

What is a sinkhole? A geotechnical engineer explains

Sinkholes are back in the news after a 13-year-old boy fell down a two meter deep hole in a waterlogged football field in Sydney over the weekend. The boy reportedly sank further into the hole every time he tried to push ...

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