
For highly active, sustainable catalysts, just add phosphorus

Catalysts are crucial to making industrial processes viable. However, many of the non-precious metal catalysts used for synthesis have low activity, are difficult to handle, and/or require harsh reaction conditions. Osaka ...

Carbon dots from human hair boost solar cells

QUT researchers have used carbon dots, created from human hair waste sourced from a Brisbane barbershop, to create a kind of "armor" to improve the performance of cutting-edge solar technology.

Introduced honeybee may pose threat to native bees

A Curtin University study has found the introduced European honeybee could lead to native bee population decline or extinction when colonies compete for the same nectar and pollen sources in urban gardens and areas of bush.

Statins could be key to saving Tasmanian devils

Cholesterol-lowering drugs could help delay the spread of the deadly Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) and may help protect the endangered Australian marsupials from extinction, newly published research by QIMR ...

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