
Mobile telephone selects best route for wheelchair users

Bumps on surfaces, doorsteps or kerbs and the unsuitability of roads, pathways and buildings cause problems for wheelchair users. Wheelchair users can now use technology developed at the University of Twente to map out safe ...

Bacterial brawls mark life in the gut's microbiome

Bacterially speaking, it gets very crowded in the human gut, with trillions of cells jostling for a position to carry out a host of specialized and often crucial tasks. A new Yale study, published the week of March 7 in the ...

Human influence on the climate dates back to 1930s

Humans have triggered the last 16 record-breaking hot years experienced on Earth (up to 2014), with the new research tracing our impact on the global climate as far back as 1937.

30-lane data highway in sight

The amount of data transferred over mobile networks is soaring. In five to seven years, the bandwidth and speed of the new 5G networks will be up to 200 times faster than today – so fast that the notion of speed loses its ...

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