
Dating in the age of the pandemic

In the time of COVID-19, when intimate relationships have been strained and human connections fleeting, singles are kissing hookups goodbye in favor of settling down—and getting vaccinated at a higher rate to make it happen.

Riding a laser to Mars

Could a laser send a spacecraft to Mars? That's a proposed mission from a group at McGill University, designed to meet a solicitation from NASA. The laser, a 10-meter wide array on Earth, would heat hydrogen plasma in a chamber ...

Genomic effects of inbreeding on Scandinavian wolves

For many years, researchers at Uppsala University have been exploring the genetic origins of the Scandinavian gray wolf population, which was founded by only three immigrating wolves. In their new study the scientists show ...

Indonesian croc freed after five years trapped in tyre

A wild crocodile in Indonesia who was trapped in a tyre for more than five years has been rescued, freed from its rubber vice and released back into the wild, officials and residents said Tuesday.

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