
Sticking sugar to protein

ETH researchers have succeeded in determining the 3-D structure of the enzyme that attaches sugar chains to proteins – a breakthrough that they recently published in the journal Science.

Research explores impacts of abusive supervision

A recent Naveen Jindal School of Management study examined the damaging impact abusive supervision has in the workplace including the ways employees respond with retaliatory behavior, which lowers productivity.

Scientists develop a 'third eye' to examine stem cells

A joint team of scientists from Russia and the United States designed a method for marking dividing stem cells with three different labels. Until now, it was only possible to use two labels simultaneously. The new method ...

A way to create liquid droplets inside of air bubbles

A team of researchers at Zhejiang University in China has developed a technique to create liquid droplets inside of air bubbles. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group describes the technique ...

Bethe strings experimentally observed for the first time

An international team of researchers has experimentally observed Bethe strings for the first time. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the team describes their experiments and what they observed, and offer possible ...

Creating a hotspot for understanding Venus

A new simulation facility at the Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) could help revolutionise our understanding of the hot, hidden surface of ...

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