
Image: Final mirror installed in James Webb Space Telescope

Inside a massive clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland the James Webb Space Telescope team used a robotic am to install the last of the telescope's 18 mirrors onto the telescope structure.

New luminous creatures found in the Red Sea

The Red Sea is known as one of the best tourist destinations for good relaxation and scuba diving, but few imagined that this place is inhabited by many sea creatures awaiting discovery. An international team of biologists, ...

Sentinel mission teams prepare for critical days

Moments after Sentinel-3A separates from its rocket, a team of European mission control specialists will assume control, shepherding the new spacecraft through its critical first days in space.

Graphene decharging and molecular shielding

A new joint theoretical and experimental study suggests that graphene sheets efficiently shield chemical interactions. One of the promising applications of this phenomenon is associated with improving the quality of 2D materials ...

Ocean acidification makes coralline algae less robust

Ocean acidification (the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's oceans, caused by the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere), is affecting the formation of the skeleton of coralline algae which play an important part in marine ...

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