
Monkeys express spite toward those who have more

Monkeys, like humans, will take the time and effort to punish others who get more than their fair share, according to a study conducted at Yale. In fact, they can act downright spiteful.

Simple things the secret to success in love

Sharing the simple things in life – like having a cup of coffee, gardening or renovating – are most important to couples in a long-term relationship, a Flinders University study shows.

Tasting device monitors sodium intake in hypertension patients

Our sense of taste ties directly to our overall health. It helps us know when food has gone bad, when it will not agree with us, or when it simply is not good for us, such as when something is too salty or too sweet. For ...

Archaeologist discovers Maya royal burial

Tom Garrison was four hours away from camp down a bumpy jungle road—headed into the city to get treated for poisonwood exposure—when he got the call from his co-director Edwin Román.

Banning trophy hunting could do more harm than good

Trophy hunting shouldn't be banned but instead it should be better regulated to ensure funds generated from permits are invested back into local conservation efforts, according to a new paper co-authored by a leading University ...

NASA office to coordinate asteroid detection, hazard mitigation

NASA has formalized its ongoing program for detecting and tracking near-Earth objects (NEOs) as the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO). The office remains within NASA's Planetary Science Division, in the agency's ...

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