
Apple Maps, once a laughingstock, now dominates iPhones

Apple Maps quickly became the butt of jokes when it debuted in 2012. It overlooked many towns and businesses and misplaced famous landmarks. It marked New York's Madison Square Garden arena as park space because of the word ...

Three-dimensional force microscopy

FAU researchers develop method of measuring forces of tumor cells as they migrate through connective tissue.

In social movements, 'slactivists' matter

You know them well. You might even be one of them. They're the people who tint their Facebook profile pictures with the French flag to support Parisians, or pink to get behind Planned Parenthood. They sign online petitions, ...

Closing a malware security loophole

An add-on for antivirus software that can scan across a computer network and trap malicious activity missed by the system firewall is being developed by an international team. Details are reported in the International Journal ...

Global fossil-fuel emissions could decline in 2015, study finds

Annual global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels could drop slightly in 2015, according to a report from the Global Carbon Project led by a Stanford University researcher. This surprising result contrasts with the ...

New massive dataset of bacterial proteins

Scientists from Switzerland and the Netherlands have conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the proteins that the bacterium Escherichia coli expresses in 22 different growth conditions. More than 2,300 proteins ...

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