
Oil cleanup in southern Nigeria still a 'long way' from target

A much-touted cleanup of oil pollution in southern Nigeria has yet to start in parts of the hotspot Ogoniland, almost three years after contracts were handed out, and residents remain without proper drinking water, a report ...

Alabama swamped, 4 killed in floods from slow-moving front

Terrified drivers climbed out of swamped cars and muddy floodwater flowed through neighborhoods after a stalled weather front drenched Alabama for hours, leaving entire communities under water Thursday and killing at least ...

Referential alarm calls increase vigilance in brood parasite hosts

Yellow warblers are hosts to brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds, which rely on other species to raise their offspring. Warblers use referential "seet" calls to warn female warblers specifically of the brood parasitic brown-headed ...

Digitalization found to be an important climate tool

Carbon emissions from the internet are on a par with emissions from the aerospace industry, but at the same time digital technologies are crucial to winning the battle against climate change.

Researchers observe laser-driven tin ejecta microjet interactions

The experimental observations of high-velocity particle-laden flow interactions has been sparse, given the difficulty of generating high-velocity flows of many particles. These observations play an important role in understanding ...

Women in many poor households excluded from education

One in six of the world's poor (215 million) live in households where no female has completed six years of school, but at least one male has, according to new figures on global poverty released today by the United Nations ...

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