
The reproductive advantages of large male fish

In mosquitofish, of the genus Gambusia, male fish are smaller than females—sometimes only half the size. Biologists had previously assumed that smaller male mosquitofish had at least some reproductive advantages. Researchers ...

Image: The heart of a lunar sensor

The heart of the Exospheric Mass Spectrometer (EMS) is visible in this image of the key sensor that will study the abundance of lunar water and water ice for upcoming missions to the Moon.

Cell-wrangling circuit simplifies genetic experiments

Lab-bred cells like to have it their way, producing recombinant (aka artificial) proteins based on however many plasmids they randomly get. But the intuition and hard work of a Rice University alumnus will go a long way toward ...

How seeds know it's a good time to germinate

Dehydrated plant seeds can lay dormant for long periods—over 1,000 years in some species—before the availability of water can trigger germination. This protects the embryonic plant inside from a variety of environmental ...

Hydrothermal vents may add ancient carbon to ocean waters

Earth's oceans play a pivotal role in the global carbon cycle. As seawater moves and mixes, it stores and transports huge amounts of carbon in the form of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon molecules. However, the various ...

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