
Future hurricanes: Fast like Ike or slow like Harvey?

Climate change will intensify winds that steer hurricanes north over Texas in the final 25 years of this century, increasing the odds for fast-moving storms like 2008's Ike, compared with slow-movers like 2017's Harvey, according ...

New study analyses multiple-tailed lizards

Ph.D. Candidate James Barr, from Curtin University's School of Molecular and Life Sciences, said while the phenomena of multiple-tailed lizards are widely known to occur, documented events were generally limited to opportunistic, ...

Understanding sea larvae is key to managing marine systems

An international study led by Monash University scientists has found that the distance traveled by marine larvae is dictated by both biological and physical constraints—contradicting previous hypotheses based on biology ...

Learning about penguin's diet may save marine life

The waters of south-eastern Australia are a climate change hotspot, warming at four times the global average. Understanding how to future-proof the prey of little penguins in these challenging conditions is essential for ...

Overcoming the bystander effect in chemical ethics

For PNNL chemist and Air Force veteran Kabrena Rodda, living by an honor code is second nature. Her time at the Air Force Academy as both a cadet and later an instructor, instilled in her the value—and possibility—of ...

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