
Scientists address the imbalance of the 'Asian Water Tower'

The Third Pole, which is centered on the Tibetan Plateau, stores most of the frozen water in the world after the Antarctic and Arctic. As a reliable water supply for almost 2 billion people, it has become known as the "Asian ...

Two new polyalthiopsis species reported from China

Researchers from the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have collected and maintained a collection of about 100 plants of Annonaceae, a large pantropical flowering plant family. ...

Oldest insect resource pulses revealed by fossils from China

Resource pulses, i.e., occasional episodes of ephemeral resource superabundance, represent a fundamental mechanism by which energy, nutrients, and biomass are transported across ecotones. They are widespread in extant ecosystems; ...

Sizzling sound of deep-frying reveals complex physics

Experienced cooks can determine when cooking oil has reached the right temperature for deep-frying by inserting moistened chopsticks in the hot oil. Bubbles form on the sticks and the sizzling sound they produce can tell ...

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