
US: Older teens often text behind the wheel

(AP) — More than half of U.S. students in their last year before college admit they text or email while driving — the first federal statistics on how common the dangerous habit is in teens.

How black holes change gear

(Phys.org) -- Black holes are extremely powerful and efficient engines that not only swallow up matter, but also return a lot of energy to the Universe in exchange for the mass they eat. When black holes attract mass they ...

New twist on old chemical process could boost energy efficiency

Chemical reactions on the surface of metal oxides, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are important for applications such as solar cells that convert the sun's energy to electricity. Now University of Washington scientists ...

Mozilla's Shumway pushes Flash to off-ramp

(Phys.org) -- Mozilla’s experimental project on GitHub, a hosting service for development projects, is taking on a happy buzz where developers look at a future that may not include Adobe Flash. The project, called Shumway, ...

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