
Solar Dynamics Observatory sees 'Cinco de Mayo' solar flare

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the sun constantly, captured these images of a significant solar flare – as seen in the bright flash on the left – peaking at 6:11 p.m. EDT on May 5, 2015.

Mapping rivers and preserving livelihoods

River scientists and marine geophysicists from the US and UK have teamed up for a unique collaboration that could help protect the lives of thousands of people who live close to the banks of some of South Asia's biggest rivers.

Engineers hand "cognitive" control to underwater robots

For the last decade, scientists have deployed increasingly capable underwater robots to map and monitor pockets of the ocean to track the health of fisheries, and survey marine habitats and species. In general, such robots ...

Digital bargain hunters: optimal online searching

Easterners are more inclined than Westerners to search too long online for the best deals because they are more sensitive to the 'sunk cost' of their previous search efforts, according to a study from Cambridge Judge Business ...

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