
A turning point in the physics of blood

Mike Graham knows that fluid dynamics can reveal much about how the flow of blood helps and hinders individual blood cells as they go about their work.

Fusion energy boost for high-tech Australia

The world's largest fusion energy experiment, ITER, has turned to Australian physicists to supply a crucial imaging system for the multi-billion-euro experiment.

New technique helps uncover useful functions in microbial genomes

A team of University of Delaware researchers is opening wider the door for those who study the vast world of microbes. A paper published in Nature Communications on May 6 describes a new technique they developed for examining ...

The role of "planet traps" in solar system formation

A team from the Astrophysics, Instrumentation and Modelling laboratory at Paris-Saclay (AIM – CNRS/CEA/Université Paris Diderot) has developed a new model that represents the evolution of protoplanetary disks over millions ...

Media can restrict insider trading

New ANU research has found the media can have a strong effect in reducing corporate insider share trading by repeating existing information about trades.

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