
Surfers fight to stop coastal highway project in Peru

Gnarly scenes have been unfolding at Peru's famed La Pampilla beach, where riot police have clashed with surfers fighting to stop a coastal highway project they say will ruin their world-class waves.

New bid to contact Europe's comet probe

Europe will launch a new bid Friday to communicate with its comet lander Philae, hurtling towards the Sun some 360 million kilometres (224 million miles) from Earth, ground operators said.

Tropical disturbance in the North Atlantic likely to develop

Although the non-tropical low pressure system in the North Atlantic has moved little during the past several hours it has become better defined with increasing organization of the associated thunderstorm activity. The low ...

Norway to reduce electric car incentives

Norway plans to gradually reduce some of the incentives offered to drivers of electric cars, which now account for almost a quarter of the country's new car registrations.

Putting a new spin on plasmonics

Researchers at Finland's Aalto University have discovered a novel way of combining plasmonic and magneto-optical effects. They experimentally demonstrated that patterning of magnetic materials into arrays of nanoscale dots ...

Tail hair as an indicator of behaviour and ecology in horses

Life style leaves chemical traces in hair. In horses, the analysis of tail hair is especially suited as long hair can provide information over a long period of time. Researchers at the Vetmeduni Vienna have developed a method ...

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