
More than 170 sharks caught in Australia cull policy

More than 170 sharks were caught during a controversial cull policy in Western Australia following a spate of fatal attacks, figures showed Wednesday, with 50 of the biggest ones destroyed.

Extinction stalks Myanmar's forests

Ashen earth strewn with the limbs of once-mighty trees is all that is left of the fearsome forest in central Myanmar that Wa Tote remembers from her youth.

TuneIn adds way to hear 'recently started' songs

Tired of flipping through the radio dial? Internet radio service TuneIn is offering a way to see which songs have just started on 100,000 radio stations around the world, allowing you to listen in soon after the tune starts.

Small Australian marsupials in sudden decline

Small, furry marsupials such as the bandicoot, quoll and tree possums are in dramatic decline in Australia's north and feral cats could be the cause, according to analysis reported Wednesday.

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