
National Water Bank proposed in Australia

A leading water scientist has proposed the development of a National Water Bank – a continent-wide replenishment scheme for underground reserves of fresh water – to help safeguard the nation from water scarcities for ...

'Spycams' to help protect native trees and wildlife

Scientists are using 'spycams' as a cheap, accurate way to watch over Australia's native forests and woodlands as they come under increased pressure from climate change, feral animals and bushfires.

A new catalyst to transform propane into propene

Researcher Adam Hock of Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Northwestern University have developed a new catalyst to transform propane into propene (propylene).

Getting to the meat of animal welfare issues

What are Australian consumers' key concerns about how livestock are treated, and how much are they willing to pay for 'ethically produced' meats? How will consumer values influence livestock industry and food retailer decisions, ...

Males produce faster sperm for sisters

(Phys.org) —Mating with relatives, or inbreeding, can be costly to both sexes, and in many species males and females avoid mating with siblings.  However, the latest research adds a twist to this story by showing that ...

Threats seen to three billion birds in vast Canadian forest

A new report calls for saving half of the 1.5 billion acres of North America's boreal forest – one of the world's last great intact forests – to protect the habitat for more than 300 migratory bird species. The northern ...

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