
Scientists help wildlife parks mobilize against poaching

Poaching threatens wildlife conservation around the world, and it's a top concern in protected conservation areas and parks, where rangers patrol the wilderness in an effort to deter and document this kind of illegal activity.

Curb climate change the easy way: Don't cut down big trees

Protecting forests is an essential strategy in the fight against climate change that has not received the attention it deserves. Trees capture and store massive amounts of carbon. And unlike some strategies for cooling the ...

Sweden's light-touch pandemic strategy increases inequalities

The Swedish corona strategy means that some sections of society are unequally affected by the pandemic. A shutdown or possibly tougher restrictions could have provided better opportunities for different occupational groups, ...

Why domestic abuse is such a difficult subject for churches

Churches can be a refuge for women fleeing domestic abuse. But sometimes they can help perpetuate abuse by failing to offer support when needed. There can be many reasons for this. Sometimes it's because church leaders simply ...

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